Carlos Maltz
Depois De Nós
Hoje os ventos do destino
começaram a soprar
nosso tempo de menino
foi ficando prá trás
Com a força de um moinho
que trabalha devagar
vai buscar o teu caminho
nunca olha para trás
Hoje o tempo voa
nas asas de um avião
sobrevoa os campos da destruição
é um mensageiro das almas
dos que virão
ao mundo
depois de nós
Hoje o céu está pesado
vem chegando o temporal
nuvens negras do passado
delirante flor do mal
Cometemos o pecado
de não saber perdoar
sempre olhando para o mesmo lado
feito estátuas de sal
Hoje o tempo escorre
dos dedos de nossa mão
e ele não devolve
o tempo perdido em vão
é um mensageiros das almas
dos que virão ao mundo
depois de nós
Meninos na beira da estrada
escrevem mensagens
com lápis de luz
serão mensageiros divinos
com suas espadas douradas azuis
Na terra, no alto dos montes
florestas do Norte
cidades do Sul
meninos avistam ao longe
a estrela do menino Jesus

Um comentário:
Hi! My name Alex and I want to tell you one plan Which you can read on my Blog - http://xanrd.blogspot.com/
6VIA Affiliate network platform
When I join 6via program, I was little reluctant at first but now I'm grinning from ear to ear. I can see why now a lot of people are joining this program to give you an understanding of this free 6via affiliate network program it was originally solarE business but 6via bought out solarE business and change the format a little bit and made it free to sign up and promote and to earn without costing you any money. So you can sign up for free, promoting your URLs anytime somebody signs up and upgrades to a provider. You will receive a commission only on your first level, but if you upgrade into one of the providers. You will receive commissions, 10 levels deep. Here's how it all works. First you need to sign
up, and once you have signed up. Everybody that signs up basically the same day, will become party to
your direct team. The only way you can secure this direct team is by upgrading. They have what's called
a winning day. It's every Wednesday evening that you need to either upgrade or you'll lose those in your direct team as well as your group team. I like the uniqueness of this. It pushes your team to grow and makes your business grow. Now when you upgrade to a provider, which is Desoho.com they give you a omplete website to which you put your own domain. On this website which is already a complete program which has thousands of products and advertisers. Your click Bank ID and your Google ad sense ID as well as your market ID are all connected to these products and advertisers as well as your own products include a sign-up sheet for your own programs. I have tried other programs, similar,but none have been successful as this one has been to me. So I'm recommending, if you're seriously interested in having a successful program at a very low cost. You give this program and very serious consideration to get a full understanding of this program.It's really amazing how it works! Please go to these URLs 6via opportunity ---- http://www.moneylinkdirect.com?r=KHK8HLYTBL
Go here and you will see that the money can be made easily. This Canadian system has more than a million people and you can make money on them.
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