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The KillersSmile Like You Mean It (Acoustic)Save some faceYou know you've only got oneChange your waysWhile you're youngBoy, one day you'll be a manOh girl, he'll help you understandSmile like you mean itSmile like you mean itLooking backAt sunsets on the East sideWe lost track of the timeDreams aren't what they used to beSome things sat by so carelesslySmile like you mean itSmile like you mean itAnd someone is calling my nameFrom the back of the restaurantAnd someone is playing a gameIn the house that I grew up inAnd someone will drive her aroundDown the same streets that I didOn the same streets that I didSmile like you mean itSmile like you mean itSmile like you mean itSmile like you mean itOh no, oh no, no noOh no, oh no, no no
Smash MouthWasteI'm lookin' at my watchAt all the time that's been stolenWhen I was carryin' youSeems I've tripped and I've fallenDon't want no one to acheOh, to be drunk and forgetfulTo get out of this unscatchedOh, to be free and inhumanSome may sayI love to playWhen the chance is there to takeI'm moppin' up the floorFrom messy recipies of romanceI'm packing up the potsToo many cooks in the kitchenSome may sayI love to letA good thing go to wasteI let it go to wasteLet a good thing go to wasteA good thing go to wasteLet a good thing go to wasteA good thing go to wasteI'm lookin' at my watchAt all the time that's been stolenWhen I was carryin' youSeems I've tripped and I've fallen
OasisFalling DownThe summer sunThat blows my mindIs falling down on all that I've ever knownIn time we'll kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I've ever knownIs all that I've ever knownA dying screamMakes no soundCalling out to all that I've ever knownHere am I, lost and foundCalling out to allWe live a dying dreamIf you know what I meanAll that I've ever knownIt's all that I've ever knownCatch the wheel that breaks a butterflyI cry the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availI called him up in-and-out of nowhereI said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"Catch the wheel that breaks a butterflyI cry the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availI called him up in-and-out of nowhereI said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"The summer sunThat blows my mindIs falling down on all that I've ever knownIn time we'll kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I've ever knownIs all that I've ever known...
Zeca BaleiroBabylon
Baby!I'm so aloneVamos pra Babylon!Viver a pão-de-lóE möet chandonVamos pra Babylon!Vamos pra Babylon!...Gozar!Sem se preocupar com amanhãVamos pra BabylonBaby! Baby! Babylon!...Comprar o que houverAu revoir raléFinesse s'il vous plaitMon dieu je t'aime glamourManhattan by nightPassear de iateNos mares do pacífico sul...Baby!I'm alive likeA Rolling StoneVamos pra BabylonVida é um souvenirMade in Hong KongVamos pra Babylon!Vamos pra Babylon!...Vem ser felizAo lado deste bon vivantVamos pra BabylonBaby! Baby! Babylon!...De tudo provarChampanhe, caviarScotch, escargot, raybanBye, bye miserêKaya now to meO céu seja aquiMinha religião é o prazer...Não tenho dinheiroPra pagar a minha yogaNão tenho dinheiroPra bancar a minha drogaEu não tenho rendaPra descolar a merendaCansei de ser duroVou botar minh'alma à venda...Eu não tenho granaPra sair com o meu brotoEu não compro roupaPor isso que eu ando rotoNada vem de graçaNem o pão, nem a cachaçaQuero ser o caçadorAndo cansado de ser caça...Ai, morena! Viver é bomEsquece as penasVem morar comigoEm Babylon...E-book: George Samuel Clason - O Homem mais Rico da Babilônia
Engenheiros do HawaiiToda Forma De Poder
+ Chuva De ContainersEu presto atenção no que eles dizemMas eles não dizem nadaToda forma de poder É uma forma de morrer por nadaToda forma de conduta Se transforma numa luta armadaSe tudo passa, talvez você passe por aquiE me faça esquecer tudo que eu viO fascismo é fascinanteDeixa gente ignorante fascinadaÉ fácil ir adianteEsquecer que a coisa toda tá erradaA história se repete Mas a força deixa a história mal contadaSe tudo passa, talvez você passe por aquiE me faça esquecer tudo que eu viChuva de containers, entertainers no arEu presto atenção no circo que nos cercaChuva de containers, entertainers no arComeço a achar normal algum boçal detonarSe tudo passa, talvez você passe por aquiE me faça esquecer tudo que eu viSe tudo passa, talvez você passe por aquiE me faça esquecer que...E falta o pão, o pão nosso de cada diaE sobra o pão, o pão que o diabo amassouSe tudo passa, talvez você passe por aquiE me faça esquecer tudo que eu vi...
E-book: George Orwell - 1984